14 11, 2014

I just began taking my oral contraceptive pills, and started bleeding half way through the cycle. Is this considered to be normal ?

By |2018-10-19T05:42:57+00:00November 14th, 2014|

Spotting during the first month of using the oral contraceptive pill is a common occurrence and not something to worry about. However, if the bleeding becomes heavier, it indicates that the pills do not contain a sufficient amount of hormones suitable for your system. Therefore, you are advised to either contact Team Miracle or your [...]

14 11, 2014

Is swimming allowed after the embryo transfer process ?

By |2018-10-19T05:56:34+00:00November 14th, 2014|

Swimming following IVF treatment is not recommended at all during your pregnancy due to potential infection risk. However, once you have reached your 12 week gestation mark, and, if you feel that you want to swim, you are recommended to contact the doctor who is looking after you during your pregnancy and ask them to [...]

14 11, 2014

How can I be sure that the embryos have actually been transferred to my womb ?

By |2018-10-19T05:55:25+00:00November 14th, 2014|

During the embryo transfer process, you can watch the entire procedure on the ultrasound machine. The machine is positioned at an angle so that you can easily watch the process. You can see the embryos being slowly released into your womb through a plastic catheter. The embryologist then double checks the catheter under the microscope [...]

14 11, 2014

How long is the embryo transfer procedure ?

By |2018-10-19T05:53:58+00:00November 14th, 2014|

The entire embryo transfer process takes around 15 minutes. Sedation or anesthesia is not required as it is generally not a painful procedure. Some women may feel some discomfort during the insertion of speculum but many report that it isn’t too different to having a smear test. If you would prefer, Team Miracle can arrange [...]

14 11, 2014

There are women who have gone on to have successful pregnancies after undergoing immune therapy after multiple failed cycles. What is your take on this ?

By |2018-10-19T06:01:20+00:00November 14th, 2014|

Immune therapy can assist women who have high levels of antibodies or, ‘’Natural Killer’’ cells within their systems. Women with overactive immune systems or NK cells require immune therapy to suppress these naturally occurring genes within them to allow their bodies chance to accept and allow their newly transferred embryo(s) to implant and develop. The [...]

14 11, 2014

I have experienced a failed IVF cycle. Does this mean that I should get immune tests done?

By |2018-10-19T06:27:43+00:00November 14th, 2014|

Of late, there has been a lot of talk about immune tests and their relation to failed IVF cycles. However, this area is poorly studied and fertility specialists possess little knowledge regarding the immune system. In spite of this, lots of expensive immune tests are ordered. Some of the tests include, DQ Alpha, Reproductive Immunophenotype, [...]

14 11, 2014

Is male infertility a more common problem than female infertility ?

By |2018-10-19T06:38:54+00:00November 14th, 2014|

Male and female infertility has been established to be more or less the same. It has been estimated that male infertility is the sole contributor to reproductive problems in about 1/3rd of cases. In another third of cases, female infertility is the sole problem. In the remainder of cases, both male and female infertility are [...]