30 05, 2015

A day in the life of a patient co-ordinator at the Cyprus IVF Centre

By |2021-11-17T17:32:04+00:00May 30th, 2015|Categories: IVF Treatment Blog|Tags: |

Usually when you look at a typical day in the life of a working person, it’s fairly standard. The range of jobs held by most people isn’t too different. And within their own specific sphere, such as teaching, their days are roughly going to follow the same pattern, with the same issues and the [...]

2 05, 2015

Advantages of IVF treatment at the Cyprus IVF Centre

By |2021-11-02T12:01:50+00:00May 2nd, 2015|Categories: IVF Treatment Blog|Tags: , , |

Team Miracle took its name from the fact that IVF treatment is a miracle for those needing assisted reproduction. The urge to carry a child can be an overwhelming instinct for a woman, and if conception proves elusive then IVF really is a miracle process. However, over the years of fertility medicine development, more [...]

2 05, 2015

Advances in Egg Freezing Success

By |2021-11-17T17:32:28+00:00May 2nd, 2015|Categories: IVF Treatment Blog|Tags: , |

Egg vitrification. A big word for a tiny little thing. Egg vitrification is the process of freezing the eggs so that they can be used at a later date. As new IVF methods have more than doubled success rates, the freezing of eggs for use in fertility treatment is no longer seen as ‘experimental’. [...]

2 05, 2015

IVF: A look at how we make your baby

By |2021-11-02T11:44:58+00:00May 2nd, 2015|Categories: IVF Treatment Blog|Tags: , , |

In 1978 Louise Brown, the world’s very first IVF baby was born. Since then hundreds of thousands of babies have been born as a result of the fertility treatment. IVF is a complicated procedure and at the Cyprus IVF Centre our highly skilled team led by our doctors are experienced in every single aspect [...]

21 04, 2015

The Laboratory Influence on IVF Success Rates

By |2021-11-02T11:41:41+00:00April 21st, 2015|Categories: IVF Treatment Blog|Tags: , , |

Imagine the layout of the Team Miracle laboratory with our doctors at the Cyprus IVF Centre. In your mind’s eye it probably doesn’t contain anything beyond some equipment, medical staff, lights and maybe an incubator or two. It probably isn’t very big either. However, that laboratory layout and design is absolutely crucial to the [...]