December 2021
Same Sex couples and Fertility Treatment
Same Sex couples and Fertility Treatment When we think about conception and same sex couples, it automatically brings up that barrier of not being able to get the sperm and the egg [...]
November 2021
Older couples and IVF
Older couples and IVF Beginning the IVF process can be daunting for anyone, even just making the decision that it’s definitely the right decision for you. It’s fair to say that most of [...]
October 2021
Fertile Ultimate® Microfluidic Sperm Sorting Chips
Fertile Ultimate® Microfluidic Sperm Sorting Chips For the best chances of successful conception to happen you need good quality eggs, and good quality sperm, as a minimum. How to go about getting these [...]
September 2021
Cytoplasmic Transfer and IVF
Cytoplasmic Transfer and IVF Cytoplasmic transfer, is an advanced fertility technique used in assisted reproduction that involves injecting a small amount of ooplasm from eggs of fertile women into eggs of women [...]
Teaming Up
Teaming Up Undergoing IVF treatment is likely to be one of the most exciting, testing, frustrating and worrying times of your life. The urge to have a child is a powerful one, as [...]
August 2021
Myth-busting; Fertility is always related to women!
Myth-busting; Fertility is always related to women! Becoming a father was never considered a challenge. In today's world, it is still hard to admit that infertility affects both men and women equally. [...]