When starting out on the road to conception, many couples never envisage needing fertility treatment. But in fact, one out of every six couples trying for a baby will need some form of assisted conception. This can range from a full IVF cycle, to less invasive procedures, or perhaps sperm or egg donation. Whatever your fertility picture looks like, it’s virtually guaranteed that there will be a treatment or procedure which can help you to conceive.

I’m unsure, how should I approach this ?

The first thing to do is accept that you may feel nervous or worried. Fertility treatment can be a stressful time for those involved and accepting this will help you to deal with the emotions. Secondly, ask all the questions you like! Team Miracle are there to put you at ease, answer your questions and reassure you. Asking about things you aren’t sure of will help you to feel calmer and more in control.

Most people only pursue IVF if previous treatments have failed, or tests have indicated that there are problems. Sometimes, however, this is not the case and IVF is the very first fertility treatment to be tried. This can happen if:

– An egg donor is being used. The Cyprus IVF Centre has a comprehensive egg donor program https://cyprusivfcentre.com/egg-donation-north-cyprus/
– A surrogate is needed
– Fallopian tubes are blocked
– There is severe male infertility or a previous vasectomy

IVF success statistics at the Cyprus IVF Centre are great, but it’s important to bear in mind that the reason for the infertility plays a role in how likely a cycle of IVF is to be successful, as does age. Younger women tend to have healthier eggs; which is why our egg donor program only accepts donors who are 25 and under.

Straightforward IVF

If you are able and have chosen to go for the standard IVF treatment, then it will follow a set pattern. Prior to treatment you will be given medication* to stimulate your ovaries. This is to encourage them to release more eggs than they normally would in a cycle. These eggs will then be harvested (removed) and a treatment known as ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) will be used by the Team Miracle embryologist to mix the sperm and the eggs. He will then monitor the embryos. They will be inserted into your uterus after three to five days of development. Team Miracle can discuss with you whether a shorter or longer development period outside of the body is better for your embryos. Essentially, studies show that leaving them in a laboratory environment to develop for longer can sometimes allow embryologists to identify more accurately which embryos are stronger, or more healthy, and therefore have an increased chance of implanting successfully in the uterus. In simplified terms, “survival of the fittest” ensures that only the best embryos will remain after five days in the laboratory.

It’s also possible to have embryo donation, or to have tandem cycle treatment where a mixture of your own eggs and donor eggs are used in your IVF.

If you have healthy embryos left over after your treatment, you can have them cryogenically frozen using vitrification for a future cycle of IVF in Cyprus.

How long will it take ?

IVF treatment can be scheduled as quickly as one week in advance of your period start date, or you can take your time to think about it and consider all of your options. Team Miracle are happy to stay in contact for as long as you need to feel ready to move forward. Once you feel ready, your treatment will start before you arrive in Cyprus. It’s possible that you may be prescribed birth control pills to regulate your cycle. It’s seems counter-intuitive when you’re trying to conceive, but for the medics, working out what’s happening in your body and when is very important for fertility treatment.

You can choose to stay in Cyprus (IVF holiday packages) for the duration of your treatment, or you can fly home the same day as you have your embryo(s) inserted.

What will my IVF involve ?

We offer a number of different treatments to go alongside standard IVF, depending on your circumstances. We are not constrained by HFEA rules, which allows us much more flexibility in what we can provide. This ranges from straightforward sperm donation, to gender selection, cryopreservation, assisted hatching and PGD ( pre-implantation genetic determination; normally used to avoid a genetic abnormality ). If you’d like to select the sex of your baby then you will be able to do so; something which is not permitted in the UK unless it’s for the purpose of avoiding gender-specific abnormalities. We always have a non-judgemental approach to all of our patients and their procedures.

Can we have IVF as a gay or lesbian couple ?

All couples approaching the Cyprus IVF Centre are treated equally, including non-heterosexual couples. We can arrange sperm donation treatment for lesbian couples using one woman’s eggs or both women’s eggs and we can transfer to either woman or even both. For gay couples, we can arrange egg donation treatment with their own surrogate using one or both sets of sperm. We can transfer a maximum of four embryos and so, for same sex couples, this allows us to transfer two embryos from each partner giving the possibility of both individuals having a child which is genetically their own. At Cyprus IVF Centre, Team Miracle are flexible and willing to work with you and perform the treatment that you want.

Can I have IVF treatment as a single woman ?

Being single is not prohibitive as far as IVF is concerned. We have an extensive sperm donor program (Cyprus Sperm Donation Pprocess) open to couples and those who are single, but we would always recommend bringing a friend or family member with you so that you don’t have to go through the treatment alone. Much of the time, emotional support is as important as medical support.

Team Miracle are committed to top quality IVF treatment on every level and the wellbeing of our patients is a priority at all times. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.