High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

High blood pressure during pregnancy is defined in three different ways; chronic high blood pressure, pregnancy blood pressure and preeclampsia.

Chronic hypertension is described as a blood pressure problem that is present in a person before pregnancy or diagnosed before the fifth month of pregnancy.Pregnancy hypertension is high blood pressure that develops after the fifth month of pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is defined as a type of high blood pressure that develops after the fifth month of pregnancy and poses serious health problems for both mother and baby.High blood pressure during pregnancy is a condition in which blood pressure increases during pregnancy which usually occurs after the 20th week, and generally, there are no other symptoms. In most cases, it does not harm the mother or her baby and disappears within a few months of birth. However, it increases the risk of blood pressure problems in the future.

How to Understand High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy?

Blood pressure is the force of blood that pushes against the wall of blood vessels. The heart pumps the blood into the blood vessels that carry it all over the body. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is that the pressure in the blood vessels is above the normal range.

High blood pressure during pregnancy can have different effects on the body than regular times. Mothers with blood pressure problems during pregnancy; there is a higher risk of developing complications before, during, or after delivery.

The common symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy are:

  • Increase in blood pressure

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Reduction of the amount of urine

  • Pain in the stomach or upper right abdomen

  • Vision problems as double vision or blurred vision

  • A quick increase in weight

  • Changes in kidney or liver function tests

Who is at Risk?

There is a greater risk of developing high blood pressure in pregnancy if:

  • Pregnancies under 20 or over 40

  • Those with blood pressure problems before pregnancy

  • Pregnancy blood pressure or preeclampsia in previous pregnancies

  • Family with a history of high blood pressure

  • People with diabetes or pregnancy diabetes

  • Some immune system problems

  • Kidney diseases

  • Multiple pregnancies

  • In IVF treatment

Danger Increases in the Second Half of Pregnancy

Women with high blood pressure before pregnancy should be careful about high blood pressure during pregnancy or after birth.

If the person has high blood pressure before pregnancy, it should be kept under control during pregnancy because high blood pressure increases the risk of heart failure and even a heart attack.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is also risky for the unborn baby and may adversely affect its development. If high blood pressure occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy, it usually disappears after birth. Nevertheless, it should be kept under control if it occurs. Pregnancy blood pressure is a serious condition that can affect all organs in the body. Sometimes, it can cause the following situations;

  • Excretion of protein from the body with the mother’s urine

  • Vision problems

  • Faster weight gain

  • Bloating hands and face

  • Headaches

After birth, high blood pressure in pregnancy usually disappears. Sometimes, eclampsia may be seen in more severe cases. Therefore, it is essential to keep blood pressure under control even after birth. Stroke is a risk in women with high blood pressure during pregnancy. This may require the use of blood pressure medication after birth.

How is high blood pressure diagnosed during pregnancy?

Elevated blood pressure levels may suggest high blood pressure, but other symptoms should be observed as a diagnosis to diagnose high blood pressure during pregnancy. However, tests for pregnancy blood pressure are generally as follows;

  • Regular blood pressure measurement

  • Urine test

  • Evaluation of oedema in the body

  •  Weight tracking

  • Kidney and liver function tests

  • Blood coagulation tests

We recommend that all expectant mothers who have become pregnant with IVF treatment or natural ways, should have their controls regularly and consult their physician about the risk of high blood pressure.

Team Miracle at the Cyprus IVF Centre will always be on hand to help and advise. We can answer any questions and set your mind at rest about IVF treatment in Cyprus. 

Remember, you will always be in safe during your IVF journey with Team Miracle.